Saturday March 8, 2025 1:50pm - 2:50pm PST
Begining with introducing myself and the field of somatics, embodiment and consent education. Defining the terms somatic and nervous system regulation, I will offer a series of invitational activities to have an embodied experience of these terms. A body scan, to notice the sensations of the body and how those sensations are a language. Moving into interception, proprioception, exteroception and neuroception the next invitations will include exploring these states around the room. Moving into the somatic inquiry of what does a yes, no and maybe feel like? We’ll practice speaking these to each other and thanking each “no”. 
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Greta Flowers

Greta Flowers aka the Pleasure Guide
I am Greta (g/she/they), I’m a Certified Somatic Intimacy Educator, Consent Educator and performing artist. I help people to live more fully in their bodies.  I collaborate with clients to create a safe enough container to expand their capacity to feel. Moving at the speed of trust... Read More →
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:50pm - 2:50pm PST

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