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Venue: L210 clear filter
Saturday, March 8

10:50am PST

Creating Safety Together: Using Harm Reduction Strategies to Navigate the Intersections of Substance Use and Sexual Violence Prevention
Saturday March 8, 2025 10:50am - 11:50am PST
Here are some things we know to be true. Some young people may engage in the use of alcohol and drugs and some young people may engage in a variety of sexual and intimate touch. We also know that the combination of those two can lead to situations that may feel unsafe, emotionally complicated, and ultimately lead to harm and violence. Harm Reduction, a philosophy, and a range of intentional practices to navigate the social and physical consequences of behaviors deemed risky, allows us a lens to have honest and nuanced conversations about how we build our own safety. In this workshop, we will explore the philosophies of Harm Reduction, the impacts of substance use on consent practices, and finally, learn and apply a harm reduction tool to relevant case studies. 
avatar for Sam Foote

Sam Foote

Mental Health Counselor, Eastside Preparatory School
Sam Foote (they/she) joined the Eastside Preparatory School Counseling team with one main question in mind – how do we best support young people in building robust and healthy relationships with themselves, their peers, and their communities? With a Masters in Social Work from the... Read More →
Saturday March 8, 2025 10:50am - 11:50am PST

12:40pm PST

Building a Comprehensive Sexual Violence Prevention Program
Saturday March 8, 2025 12:40pm - 1:40pm PST
Explore the case study of how Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington is making waves of change through sexual violence prevention workshops for students in grades 10-12. This session will focus on the development of the program, a curriculum overview and approaches for cultivating knowledge and skills that act as protective factors against sexual violence, explorations of the identity and DEIBJ components of the program, critical issues in development, and considerations for future growth. Some time will be allotted for participant discussion around opportunities for and challenges of developing and implementing a primary prevention program in your school community.
avatar for Abbey Sandusky

Abbey Sandusky

Sexual Violence Prevention Teacher, Human Development and Health Teacher, Lakeside (Upper) School
Abbey Sandusky (they/them) is a Human Development 9 and Sexual Violence Prevention 10-12 teacher at Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington. Abbey attended Florida State University for English Education. Their appreciation for literature and its exploration of the human experience... Read More →
Saturday March 8, 2025 12:40pm - 1:40pm PST
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